Friday, 31 August 2012


Test baking for an upcoming birthday. Red velvet cupcakes with frosting and oatmeal cookies! The first attempt ended in an brilliant result!

Next I will try some raspberry cupcakes with the fruit and frosting inside. Heaven (and a little bit of a dangerous place) for a pregnant women!

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Weekend in pictures

Had a great weekend. Saturday we went cross the border to buy some cheap meat and cheese... Classy I know.
But we went by boat and Little Mr M thought that was fabulous.

Then today we took this tram ride, the tram was from 1913 and so beautiful. Very classy!
It was the last trip for the season so we where lucky!

Hazel Lou Anna

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

By the pool

It might as well have been the last weekend for the summer, you never know in these parts of the world.

If that was the case we at least tried to soak up every last bit of sunbeams that was heading our way this Sunday!
Well at least the kiddo and the future husband.
I stick to the shadows.

Saturday, 11 August 2012

My love for lights!

Oh how I love lamps, I prefer old vintage once! But my +50 year old lamp, one of my favourites in our tiny home, was located in my sons room and lived in a constant risk.
So with the last pay check I decided to move my burgundy beauty to another much safer window and splurge on a new one for the kiddo!

So this is our new illuminated pet!
I like it, even better, my son loves it!

Such mother such son!

Bought some huge raspberries last week, couldn't resist taking some snapshots with this lovely treat!

Got them with a nice price as well, that almost never happens in this freakin country!

Hazel Lou Anna