Me yesterday, photo booting the result of playing hairdresser, needed to cut my fringe, badly. Even though I´m terrible at it I dedicated about 40 minutes in front of the bathroom mirror to cut it anyway. Which I regret today!
Right now I´m currently packing, repacking, making lists, baking nice low-in-sugar cardamom buns for the train ride, making a movie list for my son (so he doesn't get bored to death on our way to Stockholm), let me just tell you a portable DVD player for kids is the shit!
I have also made some really nice purchases on ASOS (by the way ASOS has super nice summer sale with free shipping world wide, can you imagine, I´m in heaven). So I ordered a little bit of something, something for myself. From TBA among other things, the parcel is waiting for me at my dads place back in Sweden, I can barely wait!
Anyway, for you twitter fans out there, I joined... still trying to figure out how it works, I´m getting there... maybe! Still, it´s actually great fun, so please come follow me... Here I´m
Oh, and I will soon be up and running more frequently, I have just had a few to many things on my mind lately, and I´m not that very use to blogging yet. So it´s the same as for twitter I´m getting there!