Friday, 12 August 2011

Oslo Fashion Week: Ingunn Birkeland Oslo

Ingunn Birkeland Oslo vernissage and performance. I´m a sucker for shoes! And Ingunn Birkeland had some pretty amazing ones (among other things) on her vernissage Thursday evening.
Lets have a look:
shoes and clutches in playful colours, bobbin-net and amazing woven masterpieces
how cute!?
performance, with sheer white dresses
I love the art work on the wall, I would love to hang on of these in my living room
Santa, if you read this, I want a pair in size 38, they are for my future wedding, I promise you they will be well used!
These shoes really caught my eye, she had amazing ballerinas and other high heels too, but I think I snapped seven pics of these sweethearts before heading out.
live music, got to love live music! His necktie was a really nice touch.


  1. Ha ha I don't blame you, those shoes look fantastic!! Thank you for your sweet comment by the way. xx

  2. The shoes where so sweet, this picture doesn't make them justice!
    You´r welcome with the comment, you´r worth them all. And I´m looking forward to peek in on your adventures and future plans! xx
