Wednesday, 5 October 2011

"The Scandinavian Mystery Tour"

Last weekend (I know a bit to late to talk about last weekend now, but I have had a bit going on so). 
Anyway, Saturday was this perfect mysterious Scandinavian autumn day; lingering mist, crisp air, dew grass, and red and yellow leaves falling like raindrops to the ground!
We chose this day to take a tram- ride to a city farm we had read about
Me, acting like; "what-are-you-taking-my-picture-I-had-no-idea", but I knew!
Leaves, not the prettiest once though. Outside our house there's piles and piles of (what I think is) oak leaves, I better take a picture of those instead.

When we get our own house one day, I ought to make it one with a grass roof. So Norwegian, so beautiful!
Finally at the City Farm, there was lots of strange looking hens...
... horses (not so many of them in there boxes though)...
...and birds that gave Angry Birds a whole new meaning!
This is probably very normal for a sheep to do (otherwise, why would there be a mirror, right!?), but this was so cute, he stood there looking in that mirror for quite sometime (there was plenty of other sheeps around, so he wasn't alone). CUTE! 
cows, pigs you name it, the farm probably had it... but, nothing is better then an old fashioned playground visit. So before heading home, we played for a bit.

o, there I am again, "more" aware of the camera. And finally there's beret weather, hate those in the middle periods, when there is sort of to warm to wear one, and to cold not to, if that make sense! This one is my favourite vintage one, in pea-green from Mary Quant.
How magical is this!?

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