Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Corners of my home; Lamp Edition

Almost all our lamps are old once! Vintage and family finds. I have a thing for old lamps! This one above, the base is old, but the lampshade is pretty new.
This my grandma and grandpa got as a gift when they moved in together, over 50 years ago. This might be one of my favourites.
O, this is not a lamp as you can see, but a darn cute pillow in our sofa, it just had to be shared.

A globe from 1976, when I removed the bulb, it was original made in the USSR, it worked fine, but we wanted something energy saving. Still got the bulb though.

some romantic light in the bedroom, my son got to same in his
I bought this lamp in a lamp shop while visiting New Orleans some years ago. We traveled the US for three months and New Orleans was our third stop. Which means that I carried around this lamp on the rest of our trip, very carefully! Still love it a whole lot.
This is also one of my favourite lamp! It's from my grandpa and in such good condition!

We have more lamps up in the attic, but not enough sockets or windows at the place we currently renting. Some day!

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