Friday, 16 December 2011

You know the time will come, peace on earth for everyone

So what have I been up to lately!? I'm not going to bore you with flue- cold- or -stomach bugs (which is totally the reason it has been so quite at these parts of the web by the way), that... and a new job that I'm not use to doing is to blame, it has been consuming a lot of my time I'm afraid.
But now... finally, I'm starting to feel more human again (thanking my lucky star for that, can you believe it's Christmas in like 7 days, ohhh, we celebrate it the 24th of December in Scandinavia).
And this is actually the first year as a family we're not going back home, so it's a lot of planning, planning and then again... planning!
BUT, I love it!
Our little gingerbread house, my son, the naughty Little Mrs M, has already eaten the door of the house and the Christmas tree that we had outside of it!
And this is our biggest D.I.Y project so far this season. My sons very own Advent calendar, with wrapped gifts and all. Not anything fancy or expensive (could not afford that). Let me tell you, the best present yet was a tape reel that he could do what ever with, we had some pretty nice sculptural works of art here a couple of days a go. He loved it, we loved it! So nothing fancy required!

Friday, 9 December 2011

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Under the weather

I'm still here, haven't abandoned the blog, it's true!
I have just been so tired, sick twice, working a lot, been on a very short trip to my home country and just realizing I haven't bought even one tiny Christmas gift yet.
It's just been one of these how-can-get-by-with-only-24h-a-day- type of periods. But I will catch up, soon enough!
And here's the evidence that I feel a bit under the weather!
Or just dreaming of  better days maybe. Oh, and it actually started to snow last night, about time if you ask me!

Friday, 11 November 2011

not so spooky after all

Is it to late to make a post about our pumpkin this year, no?! Well then...
Poor little thing, just after one day sitting on our balcony the carved pumpkin collapsed, better luck next year right!
Good thing I have a very young son, we have a couple of years to make all these festive days perfect before he start to remember (still it will haunt me though). So practice makes perfect!

A friendly looking "Jack The Pumpkin King"
We also made some pumpkin pie for dessert that day, oh my, let me tell you, it was so nice. I never had pumpkin pie before. So this will end up on our Christmas dessert table this year (if I can get my hands on some more pumpkin that is).

A good, lazy Halloween (as I said, we are practicing for the Halloweens that will come). Next year it will be more decorations, costumes and the whole shebang!

Just one more thing before I go: After Halloween I always LOVE to look at pictures what other people wore as costumes. And this one you just have to see, a couple that dressed up as Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall in black and white... they where literally in black and white! Amazing!
If you have not visited the Here's looking at me kid blog yet, you kinda have to. Let me tell you, prettiness all over!

Monday, 7 November 2011

and then...

... I got sick! Stupid airplane air conditioner! I didn't have mine on, but everyone else seemed to. Breathing that same air over and over again, people sneezing everywhere. Seriously I didn't have a chance!

But I will soon be better, and then I will have more time to do a proper post!
For now I'm popping painkillers and making myself ready for work (no rest for the wicked).

I'll be right back!


Thursday, 3 November 2011


Will be with you shortly, have been abroad again with work!
So right now ZZZzzzzZZZZzz

Thursday, 27 October 2011

A little something...

... you just have to see! Hope you have a nice Thursday!


Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

on my feet...

If you are allergic to cuteness you better look away! Don't tell me I didn't warn you beforehand! 
I have had these autumn shoes since around 2005, until now my autumns have been spent in pretty rainy weather (read London town), so I haven't really been wearing this cutie pies until the autumn of 2011 (my word, time flies). Now I wear them almost everyday, and let me tell you, I have never had so many nice comments about my shoes before.


Saturday, 22 October 2011

Autumn Love

All Rights Reserved to the artist (that is me)

Friday, 21 October 2011

My Internet Treasures

Four things that I spend my internet time on
1. Fun lifestyle based blogs
2. Reading the news (no telly for me)
3. As of late I scout youtube for fun hair- and 60s makeup tutorials...
4. ... and old fashion shows and such from the 30s to the 70s (let me tell you, it's amazing what you can come a cross)


Thursday, 13 October 2011

Looking forward to autumn

Okay, it's safe to say: Summer is gone!
We had a great summer of 2011, almost better then all the rest, we tend to travel a lot during the summer when our family doesn't live in the same country as us. I love to travel, don't get me wrong, but it can me somewhat stressful, everyone wants to meet up, and in the end you always get to hear how sorry everyone is that they did not get to see you more and so on. But this year we made it simple, a short visit, stress free and I'll think that was the trick.
Here's some highlight of our summer 2011:

Time to let that go, I'm actually looking forward to the autumn now! With candle lights, knitted cardigans and great dinner parties!

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

When you read this I'm up in the air, on my way abroad on a work related trip, gosh, I hate flying, especially alone. Well, I'm not going to be alone, but without my fiancĂ© and son, I just hate it!
Hopefully I've gotten a Bloody Mary, then I probably in a better mood.

Anyway, I have prepared a little post, nothing special really, just so you can have something to read here at Hazel Lou Soup while I'm gone. It will just be for a few days, I'll be back in a jiffy.


Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Corners of my home; Lamp Edition

Almost all our lamps are old once! Vintage and family finds. I have a thing for old lamps! This one above, the base is old, but the lampshade is pretty new.
This my grandma and grandpa got as a gift when they moved in together, over 50 years ago. This might be one of my favourites.
O, this is not a lamp as you can see, but a darn cute pillow in our sofa, it just had to be shared.

A globe from 1976, when I removed the bulb, it was original made in the USSR, it worked fine, but we wanted something energy saving. Still got the bulb though.

some romantic light in the bedroom, my son got to same in his
I bought this lamp in a lamp shop while visiting New Orleans some years ago. We traveled the US for three months and New Orleans was our third stop. Which means that I carried around this lamp on the rest of our trip, very carefully! Still love it a whole lot.
This is also one of my favourite lamp! It's from my grandpa and in such good condition!

We have more lamps up in the attic, but not enough sockets or windows at the place we currently renting. Some day!

Friday, 7 October 2011

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

"The Scandinavian Mystery Tour"

Last weekend (I know a bit to late to talk about last weekend now, but I have had a bit going on so). 
Anyway, Saturday was this perfect mysterious Scandinavian autumn day; lingering mist, crisp air, dew grass, and red and yellow leaves falling like raindrops to the ground!
We chose this day to take a tram- ride to a city farm we had read about
Me, acting like; "what-are-you-taking-my-picture-I-had-no-idea", but I knew!
Leaves, not the prettiest once though. Outside our house there's piles and piles of (what I think is) oak leaves, I better take a picture of those instead.

When we get our own house one day, I ought to make it one with a grass roof. So Norwegian, so beautiful!
Finally at the City Farm, there was lots of strange looking hens...
... horses (not so many of them in there boxes though)...
...and birds that gave Angry Birds a whole new meaning!
This is probably very normal for a sheep to do (otherwise, why would there be a mirror, right!?), but this was so cute, he stood there looking in that mirror for quite sometime (there was plenty of other sheeps around, so he wasn't alone). CUTE! 
cows, pigs you name it, the farm probably had it... but, nothing is better then an old fashioned playground visit. So before heading home, we played for a bit.

o, there I am again, "more" aware of the camera. And finally there's beret weather, hate those in the middle periods, when there is sort of to warm to wear one, and to cold not to, if that make sense! This one is my favourite vintage one, in pea-green from Mary Quant.
How magical is this!?